WWE RAW Report – 9/9/19

WWE RAW Report – 9/9/19

– Tonight’s Clash of Champions go-home edition of WWE RAW opens live from Madison Square Garden in New York City. The music hits as WWE Hall of Famer Steve Austin comes out to to a big pop.
Michael Cole welcomes us to RAW as Mike Rome introduces Stone Cold. Cole is joined by Renee Young and Corey Graves Austin catches beers in the ring and starts celebrating early as the music and the beverages continue. The ring is set up for a contract signing.
Austin hypes his MSG return and gets his signature “What!?” treatment from fans. Austin talks about some of his MSG memories before hyping up the WWE Universal Title match contract signing for Clash of Champions. Austin gives it up for RAW Tag Team Champion Braun Strowman and out he comes to a pop. Strowman hits the ring and has a staredown with Austin. Fans chant “Austin!” as they stare each other down. Austin turns away and introduces RAW Tag Team & WWE Universal Champion Seth Rollins, and out he comes to a pop.
Austin shakes their hands and says we have business to get to. Austin isn’t sure why they keep having trouble signing this contract but he’s here to make sure it happens. Rollins wants to say a few words first. He gets the crowd hyped up and is ready to burn it down. Rollins tells Austin that “this big goof” thinks they have it in for him. He goes on and it’s downplayed. Rollins talks about how good he is and how he will be the champion after Clash, but he gets booed by some. Rollins signs. Strowman says he grew up watching Austin and has nothing but the most respect for him but let’s be honest, Steve – a rattlesnake is still a snake. Strowman tells Rollins he’s not going to turn his back on him, and loves being tag team champions, but he’s going to also love being the WWE Universal Champion. Strowman borrows a quote from Austin and says he’s going to open up a can of whoop-ass on Rollins, and he’s going to get these hands. Strowman signs and the music interrupts as The OC comes to the stage. WWE United States Champion AJ Styles takes the mic as Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson stand next to him.
AJ mocks everyone in the ring and talks trash to the fans, telling them to shut up after he gets the “What!?” treatment. The OC gets closer to the ring. AJ tells Austin to stay out of this because it has nothing to do with him. The fans boo AJ more and he says this is why no one likes coming to NYC. The back & forth goes on as The OC stands at ringside now. Everyone chants “asshole!” at AJ. AJ says Austin has turned into a real asshole in his old age. The OC is in the ring now. AJ calls Austin an “old fart” and fans boo him some more. The two sides face off a AJ keeps running his mouth. Austin moves the table out of the way, which was separating the two ides. Austin says he doesn’t know where AJ is coming from, but he knows where AJ’s going. Strowman and Rollins attack The OC as Austin watches. Strowman goes out of the ring and runs over Gallows on the outside, and then Anderson on the ramp. AJ ducks a Stomp in the ring, then sends Rollins out of the ring to the floor. AJ runs his mouth as Austin sneaks up from behind. Fans cheer as Austin waits. AJ turns around to a big Stunner from Austin as fans go wild.
Austin drops down and gets in AJ’s face as the trash talking flies. Austin calls for some of his Broken Skull IPA beers to be tossed in the ring, then hits the corners to pose as the music hits. AJ is laid out on his back in the middle of the ring as Austin makes his exit to the back.
– Still to come, the Four Horsewomen in tag team action. We go to commercial.
Cedric Alexander vs. AJ Styles
Back from the break and we see AJ Styles recovering from the Stone Cold Stunner. Cedric Alexander makes his way out and we’ve got a match.
The bell rings and Cedric goes right to work on AJ. AJ goes to the floor for a breather but Cedric clotheslines him from behind. Cedric with more offense on the outside before bringing it back in. Cedric with shoulder thrusts in the corner. Cedric with more offense and a takedown for a 2 count. AJ looks to mount offense but Cedric lands a kick to the face, sending AJ to the floor. Cedric runs the ropes and leaps out, taking AJ down on the floor again.
AJ ends up going to work on Cedric’s arm, dropping it over the rope. AJ with another shot to Cedric to keep him down. We go to commercial with AJ in control.
Back from the break and Cedric tries to mount offense but AJ shuts him down. They trade strikes now. AJ focuses on the arm. Cedric catches AJ with a big Michinoku Driver for a close 2 count and a pop. More back and forth now. AJ eats a big elbow. Cedric with a big kick to the head from the apron. Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows come over and interfere, pulling Cedric to the floor for the disqualification.
Winner by DQ: Cedric Alexander
– After the bell, Gallows and Anderson work Cedric over and toss him back into the ring. The triple team begins until the music hits and out come The Viking Raiders. Erik and Ivar take out Gallows and Anderson at ringside. They hit the ring and double team AJ now for another pop. Gallows and Anderson hit the ring but The Vikings take them out as well. They hit Viking Experiences and then celebrate with Cedric as their music hits. Cedric stands tall with Erik and Ivar to end the segment.
– Still to come, the first King of the Ring Triple Threat, plus the Four Horsewomen team up for a tag team match.
– Sasha Banks and Bayley are backstage. They say Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair should be mad for what happened last week, and they are officially back together now. They hype the match up some more as we cut to Flair and Becky getting ready in another area of the locker room.
– We cut to Bray Wyatt at the Firefly Fun House with his puppets. He will be back later for a new edition of the segment. We go back to commercial.
– Back from the break and Michael Cole leads us to a video package on Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month.
– We go to the stage and out comes Roman Reigns.
Reigns talks about announcing his return from his second battle with Leukemia, and thanks everyone for their support. Reigns says this changed his outlook on everything about life. He goes on about wanting to use this WWE platform in other ways, to give back and give support like fans did to him. Reigns mentions some of the visits to kid’s hospitals he’s made as of late, including some in New York City. Reigns says he’s brought the kids to WWE now, and all of these special visitors are locals from the area.
Mike Rome introduces several young kids and out they come to join Reigns on the stage. They are dressed up as the pro wrestling characters that they came up with, and Rome announces them by their wrestler nicknames. Reigns says they have been through the biggest fight of their lives, and they’re still standing here as strong as ever. Reigns talks more about the fight against cancer and calls on fans to join him in cheering the young Superstars on. Cole plugs ConnorTheCrusher.com and Reigns hugs the young fans to end the segment as his music plays.
– Still to come, Lynch and Flair vs. Banks and Bayley. Back to commercial.
Charlotte Flair and Becky Lynch vs. Sasha Banks and Bayley
Back from the break and out first comes RAW Women’s Champion Becky Lynch, followed by her partner Charlotte Flair. We get a video package with recent happenings that led to this match. Sasha Banks and SmackDown Women’s Champion Bayley are out next.
The two teams meet at ringside and here we go. Banks and Bayley get the upperhand but Lynch comes right back and unloads. Lynch takes both out and takes Banks in the ring. Lynch mounts Banks and unloads. Bayley makes the save. Banks and Bayley double team Lynch as the referee tries to break it up. Flair runs back into the ring with a steel chair. Bayley and Banks retreat to the floor to avoid the chair. RAW goes to commercial with Banks and Bayley looking on from ringside as Flair checks on Lynch.
Bayley tags in early on and goes at it with Lynch after a tag out. Lynch rams her into the corner and starts brawling. Lynch unloads and takes it to the outside but brings it back in for a 2 count. More back and forth now. Flair tags in from the corner, then slaps Bayley around before stomping away. Flair takes it to the corner and keeps control. Bayley drops Flair out of the corner and in comes Banks. They double team Flair in the corner as the referee counts. Banks unloads on Flair until the referee has to warn her again. Bayley comes right back in for more double teaming on Flair in the corner. They slam Flair and Bayley covers for a 2 count. Flair turns it around and unloads on Bayley in their corner. Lynch tags in and keeps the attack going on Bayley. Bayley rocks Becky and sends her to the apron Lynch fights Bayley off and then Banks as she charges on the apron. Bayley takes advantage of the distraction and drops Becky to the floor. The referee is distracted by Flair, allowing Banks to deliver more cheap shots on the outside. Banks with more shots to Lynch on the floor.
Banks brings Becky back in for a 2 count. Banks with a big suplex for another 2 count. Bayley comes back in and they keep the attack going until Lynch drops Bayley out of nowhere. Banks and Flair tag in at the same time as the crowd pops. Flair gets the upperhand and goes wild on Banks. Flair catches a crossbody and launches Banks. Flair kips up and then drops Bayley off the apron with a huge boot. Flair ducks Banks, then hits a neckbreaker and sends her face-first into the second turnbuckle. More back and forth until Flair hits a neckbreaker. Banks kicks out at 2. Banks ends up applying the Bank Statement on Flair but Flair gets out. Flair goes for the Figure Eight on Banks. Fans pop. Bayley runs in but Becky cuts her off. Bayley blocks the Disarm Her and sends Lynch into the Figure Eight to break it up. All four Superstars are down as a “this is awesome!” chant starts up. The referee checks on them. Banks with the Meteora to Flair on the floor. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and Banks is in control of Flair. Banks with running knees in the corner for a 2 count on Flair. Fans try to rally for Lynch to get the tag. Banks taunts Lynch. Bayley tags in and chops away on Flair as Banks holds her. Flair fights back and rocks Bayley. Bayley grounds her a bit in the middle of the ring now. Bayley takes Flair back to the corner for shoulder thrusts. Flair sends Bayley head-first into the second rope. Lynch finally gets the hot tag and unloads on Bayley as fans pop. Lynch with more offense and a flying shoulder tackle. Banks comes in but Lynch catches her with a Bexploder. Banks goes to the floor and Becky hits her with a baseball slide to send her back to the floor. Lynch with another big shot to Banks on the outside. Bayley turns it back around on Lynch in the ring now. Lynch looks for the Disarm Her on Bayley but Banks runs in with the Bank Statement.
Flair with a big boot on Banks to drop her. Banks and Bayley go for a double suplex on Flair but she lands on her feet. They miss clotheslines and turn around to a double missile dropkick from Lynch. Lynch goes to the second rope as Flair tags in. Becky drops a flying leg on Bayley. Flair climbs up and follows up with a moonsault on Bayley but Banks breaks it up at 2. Banks pulls them to safety on the outside. Banks decks Flair and sends her into the steel ring steps. Becky with the Disarm Her on the floor. Banks taps and Bayley breaks it with a big boot to the head. More chaos on the outside now. Bayley drops Flair on the floor with a Bayley-to-Belly. All four are down on the floor now as fans chant “this is awesome!” again. Bayley brings Flair back into the ring. Bayley climbs to the top for the flying elbow but Flair gets her knees up and Bayley lands bad. Flair waits but Banks comes from behind as the referee is tending to Bayley. Flair fights back and knocks Banks to the floor. Bayley with a close 2 count on Flair off the distraction and the roll-up. Flair comes right back with a Natural Selection on Bayley for the pin to win.
Winners: Charlotte Flair and Becky Lynch
– After the match, Flair’s music hits as we go to replays. Banks and Bayley recover on the ground at ringside as Lynch and Flair celebrate in the ring.
– Cole gives us another look at the King of the Ring bracket. Still to come, Joe vs. Ricochet vs. Corbin in a KOTR Triple Threat.
– Still to come, a new episode of Firefly Fun House from Bray Wyatt.
– The announcers show us a replay of what happened in the opening segment with The OC, Steve Austin, Seth Rollins and Braun Strowman. Sarah Schreiber stops The OC for comments backstage now. AJ Styles says The OC isn’t packing their bags and leaving because they run RAW, not Cedric Alexander. Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler walk up and taunt The OC for saying they run the place. Ziggler says they have enemies in common and tonight, they will take care of business one way or the other. Ziggler asks The OC where they stand, and it looks like they are all on the same page. Ziggler and Roode walk off after they shake.
Rey Mysterio vs. Gran Metalik
We go to the ring and out first comes Rey Mysterio. Back to commercial.
Back from the break and out comes Gran Metalik representing Lucha House Party, as Rey Mysterio waits. The bell rings and they lock up, trading holds. They break and lock back up. Rey gets the upperhand after a back & forth. The back & forth continues as they show each other up again. Metalik catches Rey but Rey drops him into the middle rope for a 619. Metalik ducks the 619 and rolls Rey up for a 2 count.
They face off and Rey seems impressed or maybe confused. They lock up and go at it again. Rey dumps Metalik over the ropes to the floor, landing hard. Rey runs the ropes and slides under the bottom rope but misses. Rey comes right back up but Metalik superkicks him to the ground. Metalik goes back in and runs the ropes, leaping out to the floor to take Rey down. Rey is stunned now off the dive from Metalik.
The referee checks on Mysterio at ringside, as does Metalik it appears. Metalik grabs Rey and brings him back into the ring. The announcers speculate on Rey being hurt. Metalik brings Rey in and springboards from the apron for a big senton. Rey kicks out at 2. Metalik keeps control in the ring now. Metalik with chops and more strikes in the corner. Rey sends Metalik face-first into the middle turnbuckle. Rey goes to the top and hits the seated senton. Rey follows up with the crossbody.
Rey keeps going but gets dropped, then hit with a missile dropkick into the corner. Metalik takes Rey to the top but Rey fights back. Rey with a headbutt. Metalik leaps and takes Rey to the mat on his head. Metalik with a close 2 count. More back and forth now for several minutes. Rey ends up hitting the 619 and the big splash for the pin to win.
Winner: Rey Mysterio
– After the match, Rey stands tall and has his arm raised as the music hits. We go to replays as Rey apparently approaches Metalik to help him up. Rey extends his hand to Metalik and helps him up as fans cheer them on. Metalik bows and shows respect back to Rey.
– Still to come, the first-ever KOTR Triple Threat.
– We see Braun Strowman and Seth Rollins backstage talking to Cedric Alexander. Back to commercial.
– Back from the break and a big 10-man match is announced for later – The OC, Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode vs. The Viking Raiders, Cedric Alexander, Seth Rollins and Braun Strowman.
– We go backstage to WWE NXT Superstars Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins, The Street Profits. They hype tonight’s matches and Sunday’s Clash of Champions pay-per-view. After previously commenting on WWE Women’s Tag Team Champion Nikki Cross, Dawkins is not flirting with Sasha Banks. They lead us to a video package on Roman Reigns, Daniel Bryan and Erick Rowan from SmackDown.
King of the Ring Quarterfinals Triple Threat: Samoa Joe vs. Ricochet vs. Baron Corbin
We go to the ring for the final red brand quarterfinals match for the King of the Ring tournament. Samoa Joe is out first. Back to commercial.
Back from the break and Baron Corbin is making his way out. Ricochet is out next. The bell rings and Corbin is sent out. Ricochet and Joe go at it. Ricochet sends Joe flying and then dropkicks him. Corbin runs back in and levels Ricochet for some boos. Corbin works over Ricochet but Ricochet comes back with offense. Ricochet unloads and hits a Shooting Star Press for a 2 count.
Corbin gets sent to the floor and Corbin follows with more offense as fans do dueling chants. Ricochet runs in and leaps out the other side, taking Joe down. Ricochet runs back out of the first side, taking Corbin back down. We go to commercial with Corbin and Ricochet down on one side, Joe down on the other.
Back from the break and fans do dueling chants as Ricochet goes at it with Ricochet. Ricochet leaps off the apron but Corbin catches him on the floor, launching him face-first into the ring post. Joe charges at ringside and levels Corbin, taking him down. Joe grabs Ricochet and sends him face-first into the post. Joe brings it back into the ring and trades big shots with Corbin in the middle of the ring. Corbin unloads with body shots. Joe fights back and gets a pop. Joe catches Corbin with the inverted atomic drop and a big boot. Joe with a senton for a close 2 count as Ricochet breaks it up.
Ricochet trades strikes with Joe in the middle of the ring now. Joe takes several and then drops Ricochet with one big chop. Ricochet comes back but Joe catches him with a big powerslam out of nowhere. Ricochet kicks out at 2. Ricochet tangles with both in the corner now. Corbin levels Ricochet with a huge clothesline. Joe takes Corbin down. Joe turns around to a big kick to the face from Ricochet. All three Superstars are down again. Corbin and Ricochet trade strikes. Corbin bounces off the rope and levels Ricochet with a huge boot to the face. They tangle again and Ricochet rolls Corbin for a 2 count. Corbin powerbombs Ricochet but he comes right back. Corbin catches him with Deep Six but Joe pulls Corbin out to the floor to break the pin.
Joe applies the Coquina Clutch to Corbin on the floor as fans pop. Corbin tries to break it but Joe eventually drops to the ground and tightens the hold for a pop. Ricochet leaps off the apron and lands on both opponents, breaking the hold. More back and forth now. Ricochet goes for the 630 on Joe in the ring but Joe moves. Joe with the Coquina Clutch on Ricochet now. It’s broken. Ricochet with the Recoil on Joe. Ricochet goes to the top for a 630 on Joe and he nails it. Corbin pulls Ricochet out of the ring and launches him into the crowd over the barrier. Corbin comes back into the ring, covers Joe and steals the pin to advance to the finals.
Winner: Baron Corbin
– After the match, Ricochet can’t believe it as Corbin celebrates on the outside as his music plays. Corbin is all smiles as we go to replays. We get an updated look at the brackets as Corbin goes to the stage to pose on the KOTR throne with the crown and scepter, all smiles.
– Still to come, a big 10-man tag team main event. Back to commercial.
– Back from the break and Cole plugs WWE RAW being nominated for an E! People’s Choice Award.
Lacey Evans vs. Natalya
We go to the ring and Lacey Evans is waiting as her music plays. We see footage from last week’s win over Natalya. Out next comes Natalya for tonight’s rematch.
The bell rings and Evans backs Natalya into the corner but she’s warned. Natalya unloads out of the corner and works Evans over. Natalya takes Evans down and keeps the quick offense going, focusing on the legs for the Sharpshooter. Natalya wraps Evans’ legs up and takes advantage of the 5 count. Natalya continues pounding on Evans against the ropes as the referee tries to back her off.
Natalya drops Evans with a discus clothesline for a 2 count. Natalya goes for the Sharpshooter in the middle of the ring but Evans scrambles for the bottom rope and retreats to the floor. She suckers Natalya in on the floor and drops her with a neckbreaker. Evans sends Natalya into the apron and puts boots to her face a few times. Evans covers Natalya’s face with the apron cover and pulls it down, choking her with it. Evans brings it back in the ring and drops Natalya again for a 2 count. Evans stomps away in the corner now and plays to the crowd. Evans with more offense for another 2 count.
Evans keeps Natalya grounded in the middle of the ring now. Natalya tosses Evans but Evans comes right back and drops her. Evans with a big moonsault but Natalya moves. Natalya talks some trash and tells Evans to bring it. Evans brings it with a big kick to the ribs. Evans slams Natalya’s face into the mat several times. Evans manhandles Natalya in the corner some more. Natalya blocks boots in the corner and applies the Sharpshooter. Evans taps out after controlling most of the match.
Winner: Natalya
– After the bell, Natalya keeps the submission locked in as Evans yells out. She finally lets go and has her arm raised as the music hits.
– Still to come, a new Firefly Fun House segment. Back to commercial.
– Back from the break and we see how NBA star Enes Kanter won the WWE 24/7 Title from R-Truth at the pre-RAW Main Event tapings, then lost it right back to Truth.
– The announcers go over the WWE Clash of Champions card.
– We go to Bray Wyatt for a new Firefly Fun House segment. WWE Hall of Famer Steve Austin is mentioned and all the usual puppets are here. “Stranger Danger” is the theme and the puppets keep chanting it over and over. Wyatt yells at them to be quiet and we see the first sign of The Fiend. Wyatt fixes Abby The Witch’s clock by turning it to 11:19 from 3:16. Wyatt says those bozos took something from him and that brought out The Fiend. He calls Austin a rattlesnake that does rattlesnake things. He says strangers are just friends you haven’t made yet, and he mentions al of the new friends for Braun Strowman and Seth Rollins, but unfortunately friends won’t help them where they are going. Wyatt says friends forget but The Fiend never forgets. Wyatt laughs, says “See you in hell!” and waves goodbye to everyone to end the segment.
– Still to come, our big 10-man tag team main event. Back to commercial.
Braun Strowman, Seth Rollins, Cedric Alexander, Erik and Ivar vs. Dolph Ziggler, Robert Roode, AJ Styles, Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson
Back from the break and WWE Universal and RAW Tag Team Champion Seth Rollins is also out. RAW Tag Team Champion Braun Strowman waits in the ring with Cedric Alexander and The Viking Raiders, Erik and Ivar. Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler are out first for their tag team. Out next comes The OC – WWE United States Champion AJ Styles, Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson.
Ziggler starts off with Rollins and they go at it. Rollins gets the upperhand early on and tags in Ivar. Ivar with a big knee to Ziggler’s gut. Ivar slams Ziggler and in comes Erik for a double team slam. AJ breaks up the pin attempt. Cedric runs in and attacks AJ, which leads to a bigger brawl breaking out as the referee tries to get control. Ziggler comes off the top but Strowman catches him in a big chokeslam. We go to commercial with Strowman standing tall and yelling out as some of his partners join him in the ring.
Back from the beak and Anderson is going at it with Cedric. Anderson takes it to the corner and works Cedric over. AJ tags in and stomps away on Cedric now. Cedric drops AJ and they’re both down as their partners wait for tags. AJ drives Cedric’s shoulder into the mat to stop a tag. Gallows tags in and unloads in the corner. Roode comes in and puts boots to Cedric in the corner. Roode keeps Cedric grounded with a headlock now, then focuses on his arm. Cedric fights up and out but Roode takes him back down by his arm for a 2 count. Roode drops a knee on Cedric for a 2 count. Roode with another pin attempt.
Cedric catches a kick and levels Roode with a big shot. Fans pop and rally for Cedric now. Rollins and Anderson get the hot tags. Rollins unloads and hits a Slingblade, then an enziguri to Gallows. Anderson sends Rollins to the apron. Rollins flies in with more offense and a Falcon Arrow for a 2 count as Roode breaks it up. Everyone gets involved no, hitting their finishers as chaos unfolds. Rollins takes out AJ and stands tall for a pop. Rollins and Strowman then take turns on their opponents – Strowman running around the ring and leveling guys as Rollins runs the ropes and nails suicide dives on them. Strowman comes in and hits a running powerslam on Anderson. Rollins stands guard while Strowman covers for the pin on Anderson, but Roode and Ziggler run in to shove Rollins onto Strowman, breaking up Strowman’s pin.
Strowman doesn’t realize what just happened with Roode and Ziggler shoving Rollins into him to break the pin up. Braun looks at Rollins and they start arguing. RAW goes to commercial with Strowman and Rollins having words.
Back from the break and Ziggler has Rollins down in their corner. Anderson tags in and keeps the attack going. Anderson slams Rollins for a quick pin attempt. Anderson keeps Rollins grounded in the middle of the ring now. Rollins fights out and leaps for a pin but Anderson catches him in mid-air with a big Spinebuster but Rollins still kicks out.
Roode is in with Rollins now. Rollins counters and drops Roode. Ziggler tags in but Rollins blocks the Fame-asser and delivers a big Buckle Bomb. AJ tags in and stops Rollins from tagging. Rollins counters and Braun tags in. Braun runs over AJ twice and levels him with a big boot. AJ blocks a running powerslam and Strowman end sup running into the ring post. Erik tags in and takes out Roode and Gallows but AJ drops him with a kick. Ivar tags in and takes out AJ. Ivar goes to the top and leaps out, taking down everyone on the floor with a dive, except for Cedric and AJ, who are in the ring alone. Cedric tagged in as Ivar dived to the floor. More back and forth between AJ and Cedric in the ring. Cedric hits the Lumbar Check in the middle of the ring for the pin to win.
Winners: Cedric Alexander, Seth Rollins, Braun Strowman, Erik, and Ivar
– After the bell, the glass breaks and out comes Steve Austin to a big pop. Austin calls for beers and has a celebration with Rollins, Strowman, Alexander and The Vikings in the middle of the ring. They all go wild as Austin calls for more beers to be thrown in. Erik and Ivar are especially excited. The beer bash continues as Austin hits the corner to pose for the fans. The Garden cheers on Austin and friends as the final RAW before Clash of Champions goes off the air.
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