WWE 205 Live Results (2/6): Roderick Strong vs Hideo Itami, Lucha Friends Tear Down the House & More

WWE 205 Live Results (2/6): Roderick Strong vs Hideo Itami, Lucha Friends Tear Down the House & More

WWE 205 Live Results
February 6, 2018

(1) Kalisto def. Lince Dorado in a Cruiserweight Championship Tournament first round match. These two completely tore the house down in a crazy back and forth match. Dorado hit springboard stunner and a shooting star press but it wasn’t enough. Kalisto hit Solida del Sol but it wasn’t enough. Tons of nearfalls and teases towards the end. Kalisto hit a reverse rana that nearly killed his opponent and a second Solida del Sol to get the three-count.

– We get a video package for Roderick Strong who will be in action tonight agianst Hideo Itami.

– We get a video package for Mark Andrews, the UK star that will be in action against Akira Tozawa next week in first round tournament action. These videos are great.

– Drake Maverick is backstage catching up with his old friends Drew Gulak and Tony Nese. He asks them both what the hell happened over the years. Maverick accuses Gulak of getting soft and says that all Nese wants to do is go out there and point to his abs instead of actually win matches. “WE GET IT TONY YOU HAVE ABS!” Welcome to 205 Live Spud… He announces that next week it’ll be Gulak vs. Nese and only one of them will continue on in the tournament, because he wants to see one of them actually prove that they care.

(2) Roderick Strong def. HIdeo Itami in a Cruiserweight Championship Tournament first round match. Another excellent match, much slower and more traditional Japanese strong-style. They traded about a million kicks, chops and elbow shots slowly building up the tension and severity. At one point Strong literally just threw Itami at the edge of the ring and the referee thought he was dead. Both guys hit all their signatures and finishing moves but it was never enough. Itami got the Rings of Saturn, a Falcon Arrow off the top rope and the running knee strike, but in all three cases Roddy fought out of it. Strong hit the double knee gutbuster, a running knee and Cloud 9 but it wasn’t enough. They traded kicks and elbows until they were almost dead, Strong blocked a GTS and hit the Strong Breaker to finally win it.

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