WWE 205 Live Results (1/10): Evansville, IN.

WWE 205 Live Results (1/10): Evansville, IN.

Following this week’s edition of WWE SmackDown On FOX, the action continued inside the Ford Center with the latest episode of WWE 205 Live premiering on the WWE Network from Evansville, Indiana.

Featured below are results of the Friday, January 10th edition of WWE 205 Live on the WWE Network.


This week’s show opens up with a video package showing some recent 205 Live action and then we shoot inside the Ford Center in Evansville, Indiana to pick up where the blue brand left off.

This week’s show kicks off with announcers Byron Saxton and Aiden English welcoming us to a new episode of 205 Live.

The first match of the night is announced and it is …

Isaiah Scott vs. Lio Rush

Both superstars make their way to the ring. the bell rings and the match begins. Early on both men lock up, dodging one another. Exchange of wrist locks and flips between the two. Scott takes Rush down. Once again they both flip out of the ring.

Rush makes his way back to his feet and goes for Scott once more before making his way back into the ring. Scott enters the ring at the same time. Before the two can get back to the action, they are interrupted by the Singh Brothers. Rush and Scott look to one another and then attack the Singhs together. Rush throws one Singh out of the ring, Scott throws the other Singh out of the ring before they roll out too.

Rush challenges the Singh Brothers to a tag-team match up. Rush grabs a mic and says their idiotic move is canceled. He challenges them to a tag-team match right on the spot.

205 Live General Manager Drake Maverick agrees and it’s on.

Winner: No Contest (Due to match becoming a Tag-Team Match)

Lio Rush & Isaiah Scott vs. The Singh Brothers

Scott wastes no time going after both of the Singh Brothers. Sunile is taken down by Scott inside the ring. Rush focuses on Sunile as well and lands a Back Elbow, then an Assisted Splash. Sunile counters by slapping Rush followed by running and making his way to the outside of the ring.

Samir distracts Rush on the outside of the ring, Sunile takes advantage of the momentary lapse in judgement on Rush’s part. The Singh Brothers dominate Rush, not allowing him to make it back to his side of the ring. Samir gets a Rear Chin Lock on Rush. Samir gets a Back Elbow then follows up with a pin attempt, Rush kicks out at two.

Rush once again tries to fight his way out of the Singh Brother’s corner. Rush finally makes the tag to Swerve Scott. Scott takes complete control of this match up. Off the second rope onto Several kicks to the chest of then stands in front of him, Scott continues with kicks to the chest on him as well. Rush signals for the tag, Scott tags. Rebound Stunner by Rush followed by House Call by Scott to finish the job. Three count pin for the win.

Winner: Lio Rush & Isaiah Scott

After the Match

Isaiah Scott says to Lio Rush, “We’re not done yet” and gives a little shove towards the turnbuckles. Both Rush and Scott climb to the second turnbuckle and celebrate. We go to commercial.

Ariya Daivari vs. Jeff Brooks

Ariya Daivari makes his way out to the main stage as his music sounds in the arena, Daivari makes his way down the ramp with a smile on his face as he enters the ring, climbing the turnbuckle and raising his hands to the crowd. Jeff Brooks is already waiting inside the ring.

The referee signals for the bell. The bell rings and the match begins. Early lock up and Brooks throws Daivari to the mat telling him to “Do something”. Daivari slams Brooks to the mat and replies, “Is that all you got?” Brooks throws Daivari off the ropes,

Daivari with Should Shove followed by slamming Brooks to the mat with a Urinagi once again asking him, “Is that all you got?” Daivari seemingly knocks Brooks out with a Clothesline, turning him over and putting his hands on the chest of Brooks for the three count for the win.

Winner: Ariya Daivari

After the Match

Ariya Daivari once again with a slam to the mat with a Urinagi on Brooks, Daivari yelling, “Do something!” into the face of Brooks before exiting the ring with his music beginning back up as we go to commercial.

Tyler Breeze vs. Tony Nese

Tyler Breeze makes his way down the ramp and enters the ring as his music sounds in the arena. Breeze lays across the ropes inside the ring, kicking his legs up and pulling his sunglasses on in a laid back position. Out next is Tony Nese who makes his way down the ramp and stops on the outside of the ropes making his chest bounce with a smile, then entering the ring.

Breeze removes his sunglasses and takes off his shirt. The referee signals for the bell. Bell rings and the match begins. Nese says, “I know what they came to see” and kneels down posing inside the ring. Breeze unimpressed. Breeze and Nese lock up. Nese slams Breeze to the mat. Breeze with a kick to the midsection of Nese. Breeze with Slingshot causing Nese to go face first into the top turnbuckle.

Breeze goes for the pin, Nese kicks out. Nese makes his way back to his feet, Breeze with a k Rolls Nese into Single Leg Crab. Nese grabs the bottom rope quickly, the referee forces Breeze to let go. Breeze Clotheslines Nese out of the ring, then follows Nese to the outside. Breeze with multiple slaps to the back of Nese. Breeze follows Nese around the ring with multiple blows. Breeze hesitates for a moment and Nese takes advantage.

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Nese yells, “That’s why I’m the premiere athlete” slapping his chest as he re-enters the ring. Nese with multiple stomps to the body of Breeze in the corner of the ring. Nese walks to the center of the ring and poses once again, showing off the muscles. Inside Craddle by Breeze. Sunset Flip by Nese on Breeze for the cover once again, Breeze kicks out at two.

Nese locks Breeze in a submission hold, Breeze refuses to tap out as the referee continues to check him. Nese lets go and gets a Backwards Headlock on Breeze. Breeze gets out and builds momentum as he gets a Drop Kick on Nese. Breeze attempts the Unprettier, Nese slides out and exits the ring. Breeze about to fly through the ropes, Nese sees it coming and stops Breeze dead in his tracks.

Nese re-enters the ring and attempts a pin, Breeze kicks out at two. Nese misses on a flip off the ropes as Breeze moves out of the way. Backbreaker by Breeze, Nese kicks out of pin attempt. Both men panting in the ring, Breeze makes his way back to his feet and gets to the top rope sitting as Nese hits him with a big blow. Nese gets up to the second rope and Breeze counters, getting another two count pin.

Nese kicks out at the last second, Breeze slaps the mat out of frustration and makes his way back to his feet. Breeze sizes up Nese and as soon as Nese gets to his feet, Breeze gets a shot to the throat and a Springboard Moonsault from the middle rope by Nese. Pin attempt by Nese and Breeze kicks out.

“You don’t belong on MY show” Nese is yelling into the face of Breeze. Breeze stops in his tracks to not hit the referee, Nese rolls him up for pin attempt. Breeze sees Running Nese attempt and counters. Nese ends up outside of the ring, Breeze picks Nese up and throws him back in the ring. Breeze makes his way to the top rope goes for Crossbody, Nese blocks and attempts a roll up, Breeze counters with a roll up of his own for the three count.

Winner: Tyler Breeze

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