Vesconite Bearings renews RINA certification

Vesconite Bearings renews RINA certification

A ship docking in Trieste, Italy, soon will be the first to install an extra large Vesconite rudder bearing under Vesconite Bearings’ renewed RINA, or Registro Italiano Navale, ship certification.

Vesconite Bearings was able to renew the certification for standard Vesconite, Vesconite Hilube and Vesconite Superclad with the global certification organization that is recognized for its quality assurance and certification of vital ship components and accessories.

This approval for the polymers that are used in rudder bearings, stern tubes and some above-board equipment was completed through RINA in Germany on the 22nd November 2016.

Ship repairers tend to accept more than one ship certification, including Bureau Veritas, Det Norske Veritas (DNV), Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NKK), comment Vesconite Bearings marine representative Sharon McArdle and quality assurance manager Jaco Prinsloo.

However, the client of the repairer in Trieste, a busy repair port with a medium-sized dry dock, particularly insisted on the RINA certification, they say.

RINA is regarded as an important marine product certification agency that guarantees excellence in the products that it certifies.

Vesconite Bearings is pleased to have this certification among its stable of marine certifications, which include those from the American Bureau of Shipping, Bureau Veritas, Chinese Corporation Register, China Classification Society, DNV, NKK, Korean Register of Shipping and Lloyds Register.

Vesconite Bearings