US considering new measures to restrict Huawei suppliers: report

US considering new measures to restrict Huawei suppliers: report

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The U.S. government is reportedly considering new measures to try to block shipments of products to the Chinese telecommunications firm Huawei.

The Trump administration is considering changes to two rules that would give the U.S. more authority to hamper foreign shipments to the company, which has already been placed on a government blacklist, two people familiar with the matter told Reuters.

The proposed changes would permit the U.S. to regulate the sale of products like cellphone chips that are made abroad with U.S. technology, according to the wire service. 


It is reportedly unclear whether the government was close to making a decision on if the changes would be made or how quickly they would be implemented. Sources have told Reuters that the changes would probably only affect Huawei. 

The Commerce Department added Huawei to a blacklist in May citing  national security reasons. Reuters reported that the blacklisting has not succeeded in halting supplies to the firm.

Huawei has said it does not pose a national security threat.

The Trump administration on Tuesday issued a proposed rule intending to prevent foreign threats to the country’s information and communications supply chain.