Portugal’s EU election ups and downs

Portugal’s EU election ups and downs

Antonio Costa, the socialist prime minister of Portugal, had a good night | Miguel A. Lopes/EPA

Portugal’s EU election ups and downs

A good night for the PM, a bad one for the president.



LISBON — The European election saw Prime Minister António Costa’s Socialists comfortably ahead in Portugal, with his rivals suffering. Now that the dust has settled, here’s who did well and who did not.


António Costa
The victory of Costa’s Socialist Party marked the first time in 20 years that a sitting government has won a European election. A poll Sunday projects the prime minister will do even better when he stands for reelection October 6, with the Socialist on course to win 39 percent.

Costa used his victory speech to praise the far-left parties who prop up his minority government, suggesting he’s looking to maintain the geringonça (contraption) alliance with the Left Bloc and Communists should the PS fail to get an absolute majority in October. In Europe, Costa is pushing a broad “progressive coalition” stretching from Syriza in Greece to France’s En Marche to weaken both the far-right and the European People’s Party – starting by getting Frans Timmermans installed as Commission president.

Marisa Matias
As head candidate of the Left Bloc, Matias doubled the radical group’s representation in Brussels and Strasbourg and secured its place as the third force in Portuguese politics. She emphatically beat the Communists in the battle for the far-left vote. Thanks to her energetic and people-focused campaigning, the Left Bloc will be the major party to the left of the Socialists. Expect Matias to take a high-profile role in the GUE/NGL group.

André Silva
Silva’s People-Animals-Nature party won its first MEP, doubling the score it got in domestic elections four years ago when Silva was elected to the Assembleia Nacional. As PAN’s sole representative, he’s managed to push animal rights issues up the political agenda and does well convincing young voters. He announced Sunday that Portugal’s first environmentalist MEP will sit with the Green group in Strasbourg.


The right
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The EPP’s two Portuguese member parties had their worst ever EP results. The Social Democratic Party kept its six MEPs and the CDS-People’s Party its one, but their dismal scores suggest that, even if they team up, there’s little chance they’ll unseat Costa in October. Portuguese voters again rejected the far right. A new group — Basta! (“Enough!”) — inspired by Spain’s Vox and Italy’s League got less than 1.5 percent, while an older, more radical party failed to break the 0.5 percent barrier.

The Communists
Portugal’s old-school Communist Party (PCP) was humiliated by their hipper Left Bloc rivals and has lost at least one of their three MEPs (the final count is still coming in). The party has suffered through its support for Costa’s minority government which has weakened its grip among labor unions. Discontent is bubbling against veteran leader Jerónimo de Sousa. The decline of the PCP also has non-communists worried given that the party’s continued strength among working-class voters has been seen as a bulwark against the emergence of the far-right.

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa
Portugal’s figurehead president is the country’s most popular politician with approval ratings close to North Korean levels. Still, his impassioned appeal for voters to get out and exercise their democratic right was a flop. Abstention rates hit record levels. Just 31 percent cast their ballots, despite the head of state’s warning that a low turnout would threaten democracy.

Paul Ames