Parliament wants Greek theater
MEPs invite the main players from the bailout talks to a Brussels audition.
STRASBOURG — The European Parliament wants in on the Greek bailout action.
Leaders of the assembly’s political groups are demanding a hearing with the key players in the financial crisis drama, and have asked Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem, and European commissioner Pierre Moscovici for a meeting next week, according to a spokesman for the assembly.
“They are not legally obliged to come,” the spokesman said. “But Tsipras wants to come and it would be difficult for the others not to join. From a political standpoint, they can’t say no.”
The Parliament’s “conference of presidents” — made up of the leaders of the institution’s various political groups — has been pushing to invite Tsipras and Greece’s major European creditors for a discussion on their ongoing negotiations, which have been taking place behind closed doors for more than three months.
This discussion won’t exactly be out in the open. The conference of presidents meetings are open to all MEPs but not to the general public. However, brief minutes — not full transcripts — of the conference are generally issued later.
The spokesman said the meeting will “probably” be set for next Wednesday or Thursday in Brussels. The meeting would also include the chairman and party group coordinators of the Parliament’s economic and monetary affairs committee.
Mario Draghi, the president of the European Central Bank (ECB), will also be invited, though “having the four of them on the same day would be almost impossible,” the official said.
The Greek government has been engaged in high-level — and mostly private — talks with its main international creditors, including the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the ECB and the European Union, aimed at unblocking a €7.2 billion loan in exchange for reforms, particularly on fiscal targets and retirement.
The Parliament’s decision to request the meeting followed a campaign by the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) group calling for more transparency on negotiations involving the Greek crisis.
On Thursday, ALDE President Guy Verhofstadt said it was time for a public debate with the Greek authorities, the Eurogroup and the Commission in the European Parliament.
“Europeans have the right to know about the content of the negotiations and why they are taking such a long time,” Verhofstadt said.
The Belgian MEP noted that Greece’s finance minister Yanis Varoufakis had recently visited Brussels to outline his reform proposals at a meeting of business leaders “rather than coming to the European Parliament to explain why he has so far not managed to draft a serious reform plan for Greece.”
A Parliament official said that ALDE and other MEPs had initially asked the Conference of Presidents to organize a public debate with Tsipras at a plenary session.
“We just want to work as a Parliament should do,” said French MEP Sylvie Goulard, one of the advocates of a public debate on the issue. “We are elected to represent people and keep them informed. No more no less.”
MEPs have consistently pushed for more transparency on the Greek bailout talks involving in particular the so-called troika — an ad-hoc group of officials from the ECB, the Commission and the IMF that designed and supervised the implementation of austerity measures and reforms for countries receiving a bailout.
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In 2014, MEPs from across the political spectrum adopted, 448 to 140, a report criticizing the Troika for its lack of transparency.