More Details On Special Ring Entrances At WrestleMania 31

More Details On Special Ring Entrances At WrestleMania 31

As noted, WWE will be hiring extras for special ring entrances for Rusev and Sting at WrestleMania 31. “Russian soliders” will be hired for Rusev’s, while “scarecrows” will be hired for Sting’s.

WWE is using the same casting agency for both entrances and will be using the same extras as the Russian soliders and the scarecrows as a way to save money. They are looking for men between the ages of 22 and 33, with no facial hair.

The extras will be paid $1,100 each for three days work, and must be available for costume fitting and a walk-through on March 27th and March 28th, and then must be at Levi’s Stadium all day and evening for WrestleMania 31 on March 29th.

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(Credit: Wrestling Observer Newsletter)