Japanese city on high alert as deadly portions of blowfish accidentally sold by supermarket

Japanese city on high alert as deadly portions of blowfish accidentally sold by supermarket

A Japanese city has asked its residents to be vigilant as a deadly portion of blowfish was in circulation.

The Fugu fish is a delicacy, but before it is eaten, the livers  must be removed as they contain a potentially deadly poison, which is 1,200 times more lethal than cyanide.

A local supermarket in Gamagori city sold five portions of blowfish which had not had their livers removed.

Three of these have been located, and no one has yet been harmed, but two remain missing.

Local officials have warned the population not to eat blowfish until the missing portions are recovered.

 A recorded message plays from loudspeakers around the city tells residents not to consume the fish.

"We are calling for residents to avoid eating fugu, using Gamagori city’s emergency wireless system," local official Koji Takayanagi told AFP.

The preparation of the fish must be meticulous, as the smallest mistake could result in the death of the diner.

A package of fugu containing potentially deadly liverCredit:
Aichi Prefectural Government's Department of Health and Public Welfare

There are several cases of poisoning from consuming blowfish in the country per year, but not all are fatal.

These cases don’t put consumers off eating the expensive seasonal winter dish, which is eaten raw as sashimi or cooked in soup.

A special license is required to prepare the fish, as their livers, ovaries and skin contain the deadly poison tetrodotoxin, and the chefs are required to undertake three years of specialist training.

This toxin can paralyse the nerves and stop the lungs from working, killing in minutes if the concentration is strong enough.

The first indication that one is suffering from Fugu poisoning is numbness of the lips.

Scientists managed to breed a non-toxic Fugu fish in 2009, but it did not become popular as purists believe the danger of eating the delicacy is part of its appeal.



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