Ironkids doubles 2015 race spots

Ironkids doubles 2015 race spots

Ironman will be running four new events for children aged 3-14 this year, to be staged alongside their UK races.


There are 6,500 places available, double last year’s number, though organisers are still expecting them to sell out fast. Each Ironkids event involves a run, with the distance being determined by the child’s age.

Children at the lowest end of the scale must be accompanied by an adult and will race over a distance of 500m. Youngsters at the higher end of the scale will be running a distance of 2,000m.

There will be no finish times provided as the emphasis of the events is to have fun, but each entrant will receive a special commemorative Ironkids t-shirt and a medal on completion of their run.

The dates are:

– Ironkids Staffordshire on 13th June
– Ironkids Exmoor on 27th June
– Ironkids UK on 18th July
– Ironkids Wales on 12th September. 

To enter your child for an Ironkids event or for more information head to


Do you have a budding Brownlee or Stimpson taking part? Let us know in the comments!

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