In a direct affront to the diplomatic leadership advised by experts and desired by a majority of Americans when it comes to North Korea, President Donald Trump on Wednesday went in the exact opposite direction by declaring “Talking is not the answer!”
The veterans advocacy group VoteVets was among the progressive voices condemning Trump’s latest statement on simmering tensions with Pyongyang which the president posted on his Twitter account late Wednesday morning.
“Wars are easy to start but they have a way of taking you places you didn’t expect,” said Maj. Gen. (ret.) Paul Eaton, a senior advisor to the group, in a statement. “Talking is always the answer, until you cannot possibly talk anymore, when the lives of Americans are on the line.”
Trump’s tweet followed his statement on Tuesday in which he said “all options are on the table” regarding North Korea.
The president did not elaborate on the “extortion money” he claims the U.S. has been paying North Korea. As the New York Times reported, “Over the years, the United States has given money to North Korea for humanitarian assistance. And attempts to establish better relations have included lessening some of the economic sanctions on the North.”