— TMZ.com cameras caught “Nature Boy” Ric Flair leaving Beverly Hills hot spot Madeo on Wednesday night, which you can see here
— This week Shawn Michaels appeared on “The 700 Club”, hosted by controversial Christian televangelist Pat Robertson. The Heartbreak Kid spoke in depth about a number of topics, including his past drug abuse, which he says escalated shortly after the formation of DeGeneration-X. “At the time, I didn’t get the feeling I was abusing any of it, I guess because I was still able to do my job. And again, I had always sort of looked back on people and said, ‘really the only difference between me and the guy on the street was that I was really good at it.’ You know, I was one of those ‘good’ drug addicts,” Shawn said. “I suppose I hid it better than anyone else. You had to be able to do it all. You’ve got to be able to go 100 miles per hour in the ring, out of the ring, partying, and you’ve still got to make all your commitments. So that’s why I didn’t see anything wrong with it.” A transcript of the interview has been posted online and can be read here.
* BRET HART Shoots HARD On Ric Flair, LASHLEY Talks About Brock Lesnar & Their Futures in MMA [>]