Speaking to RTL, a former director of UReputation, a subsidiary of Digital Big Brother, has backed up Mediapart’s investigation from yesterday afternoon which alleged that Paris Saint-Germain hired the company to lead campaigns using fake Twitter accounts against media and players, including Kylian Mbappé.
Frédéric Geldhof, the company’s former Director of Operations, explained that “our role was to put the client’s communications team’s strategy into place on social media and on the internet”. He told RTL that he had contact with the former director of communications Jean-Martial Ribes and that he once met with club president Nasser Al-Khelaifi.
He did not show the content of the messages but added that “the enemy were rumours which could on one person or another”, and that what was published on social media “were things which were asked for by the client”.
Paris Saint-Germain have categorically denied the claims made by Mediapart and stated that they have never contracted an agency to damage anyone.
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