Donald Trump Comes for Taylor Swift After She Endorses Democratic Senate Candidate

Donald Trump Comes for Taylor Swift After She Endorses Democratic Senate Candidate

Raise your hand if you’ve ever been personally victimized by Donald Trump. 

Among the many, many people raising their hands in response to this question, you’ll now find Taylor Swift. Welcome to the club, Taylor! Here, have a seat between Jimmy Fallon and Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.  

After the singer publicly endorsed Phil Breseden, a Democrat running for Tennessee’s senate seat against Republican Marsha Blackburn, a reporter used their one question for the Donald to inquire about his feelings toward the 28-year-old pop star. 

RELATED: Taylor Swift Breaks Her Political Silence with Game-Changing Statement

After explaining that Swift had opposed Blackburn — a candidate he has endorsed — Trump retorted with a grin, “I’m sure Taylor Swift has nothing, or doesn’t know anything about her. And let’s say that I like Taylor’s music about 25 per cent less now, okay?” 

That Trump would belittle a person who disagrees with his politics is considerably less surprising than the fact that he actually listened to Taylor Swift in the first place. If he’s cutting down his T. Swift playlist by 25 percent, which songs are on the chopping block? Did “Bad Blood” make the cut? Is he sticking with the classics like, “Fifteen” and “Tear Drops on My Guitar,” or going with New Taylor’s “Look What You Made Me Do?” Is this how he wooed with Kim Jong Un? 

Swift’s endorsement came as a shock to many of her fans, who were flabbergasted that the singer — notorious for staying quiet on any and all political matters — would take such a pointed stand ahead of the 2018 midterm elections. 

“In the past I’ve been reluctant to publicly voice my political opinions,” she wrote, “but due to several events in my life and in the world in the past two years, I feel very differently about that now.”

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