Cowardly Democratic Senator Coons Attacks Beto for Standing Up to NRA

Cowardly Democratic Senator Coons Attacks Beto for Standing Up to NRA

Conservative Democratic US Senator Christopher Coons (D-Del.) is scared of the NRA.

Coons warned Friday that Beto O’Rourke’s pledge during Thursday’s Democratic debate in Houston that the government will confiscate semiautomatic AR-15 rifles will become a rallying cry for gun rights groups for years to come and haunt the Democratic Party far into the future.

O’Rourke received loud applause when he declared: “Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47. We’re not going to allow it to be used against fellow Americans anymore.

“I frankly think that that clip will be played for years at Second Amendment rallies with organizations that try to scare people by saying that Democrats are coming for your guns,” Coons, a close ally of former Vice President Joe Biden in the Democratic race, told CNN’s Poppy Harlow in an interview.

“I am a gun owner. My sons and I have gone skeet shooting and hunting, and frankly I don’t think having our presidential candidates, like Congressman O’Rourke did, say that we are trying to take people’s guns against their will is a wise either policy or political move,” Coons said.

O’Rourke fired back in a Friday afternoon tweet, suggesting that Coons had not done enough to push for effective gun control.

O’Rourke is also selling t-shirts on his campaign website with the phrase “Hell Yes We’re Going To Take Your AR-15” printed on them.


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