Challenge Venice in pictures

Challenge Venice in pictures

Dirk Waijnarda finished the full distance triathlon (3.8km swim, 180-km cycle and 42km marathon) in a time of 8:09:14, 10 minutes and 10 seconds ahead of second-placed Sergio Marques of Portugal, and Malte Bruns of Germany who was third across the line.


“This morning’s start was incredible because the backdrop is absolutely unique in the world, said Dirk Waijnalda. “I didn’t have any trouble in the swimming stage but the cycling one was gruelling. I felt fine despite the sun and heat, and I was still doing pretty good when I got to the second transition. Then I waited for the final 24 km before I really started to push hard and apply my strategy. I’m very happy to have taken the win”.

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Csomor finished in a time of 9:04:42 seconds ahead of the Italian Martina Dogana, while in third position was Carla Van Rooijen of Netherland who crossed the line in 9: 33:03 seconds.

“I’m absolutely delighted to have won the first edition of this competition and on my first official outing this season too,” said Erika Csomor.

 “I managed to take the lead almost immediately and then I was able to control it from there on. I knew that Martina was a strong runner and so I couldn’t relax  for a single second during the race. She also had a fantastic turnout of people cheering her on on her home ground so staying out in front until the very end was really tough”.

The 6.30 am start from the Island of Venice was a spectacular sight as the 800 athletes dived into the water while there was a huge turnout of spectators along the cycling route which traversed the Provinces of Venice and Treviso, winding its way through the Municipalities of Quarto d’Altino, Marcon, Meolo, Monastier, Musile, San Donà and Roncade before the final marathon in Parco San Giuliano.


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