Challenge Roth podium interviews

Challenge Roth podium interviews


On… being the Iron record holder


I’m feeling sore and it’s hard coming down from the high of finishing. I’ve never experienced anything like it, and it was hard not to overpace actually on Solarberg. I’m glad my ears are still intact from the crowd noise and I’ve done this bucket list race. To break a world record you need to race big or go home.

On… battles

My inner voice told me to slow down and I think I actually went too slow on the first lap. I even crashed on the second lap but still did it faster than the first. Although I’m not sure now if I can have a second child! I played with my limits a few times especially on the marathon, and I had a few darker moments but I kept my poker face on.

On… pain

Man, I was in pain but this being my fastest marathon by a long time meant I was in even more pain. There was so much relief to finally stop and when I read the time i was so happy for it. It’s a mixture of disbelief and being content. 

On… the speed of Roth

On the first lap I was upset that I actually touched my brakes once. It’s been said a lot but the atmosphere here is so unique and how Roth lives and breathes this race is why the age-groupers and elite athletes count it as a favourite. You can’t buy history like this.

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On… retirement

I wouldn’t know how else I’d make a living. I’m not sure if I’d come back next year or when I’ve officially retired so I can enjoy it more.


On… breaking the British Iron record

That was my goal to come here and do that. And to get on the podium is a dream with the field we had here so I’m over the moon. I had a tough swim and I felt like someone was trying to drown me! I did 52mins when I wanted 50mins. I also wanted 4:15hrs on the bike but was again a little slow. 

On… hitting second

There’s a big of work to do on the swim, but I didn’t think I’d run that quick. I realised I might make the podium until someone told me Nils was just ahead. I thought Nils would tag onto me and it’d come down to a sprint finish so I just went for it. 

On… being young for an Iron pro

I don’t think about that, but I’ll hopefully be the bride one day at racing because I keep being the bridesmaid. I’d love to come back next year to race. 


On… racing to win

I didn’t care about winning today but I just wanted to swim, bike and run out there. It wasn’t fun not finishing the race at Ironman Frankfurt, and I miss just doing a race and enjoying it. And I really did enjoy it and the spectators are great, and the bike course is the nicest I’ve ever done. I’ve heard so much about it and I’m glad I’ve done it. I swam with the boys and given my time it must have helped. It’s not often in a long-distance race that you get to enjoy it. 

On… the Roth course

I heard that it’s fast but it’s definitely a great course, with uphills and then fast downhills to rest your legs.

On… Chrissie’s record

Of course it’s a motivation for me; she’s a legend and I admire how strong she was. A big respect for Jan to say he’d break the record and actually do it. Today was perfect conditions, so who knows for next time?


I had an interesting day when none of my equipment worked. I thought I charged everything but obviously hadn’t. So everything today was by feel and I didn’t know my time until the finish time. And it was a lot faster than last year. I went by instinct and picked Yvonne up at 25km and we ran together until near the end. I’ve finished third and second at Roth, so next year don’t come back Daniela! Winning Roth would be a dream.


On… another sub-9hr finish and puking


It was my eleventh sub-9hr finish. I should be happy with a third but… I’m a little fish rather than a big fish like the other girls. I was putting out numbers better than I ever have on the bike and I really wanted to run a 2:54hr marathon. I puked over my toes so I asked the camera man to go away! I don’t know what went wrong and felt good until I started puking! After 5mins of that I had nothing left. The conditions were the best I’ve ever had here. I’m really happy for Carrie to finish second as she’s such a sweet girl.