There's a new battleground in the browser wars: user privacy. Firefox just made its Enhanced Tracking Protection a default feature, Apple continues to pile privacy-focused features into its Safari browser, and people are more aware than ever before of the sort of information they can reveal every time they set a digital footprint on the […]
Read MoreClick:check balance my gift card Apple isn’t always the first company to introduce a particular product or service. But when it does finally decide to take a stab at something, it attempts to do it better than everyone else. That’s the message Apple tried to get across when it announced its new Sign In with […]
Read MoreFor most of us, the universe is a little abstract: We can’t readily comprehend its scale and can barely see any of it anyway. In spite of the duotrigintillion leagues of space that remain hidden, we’ve managed to build instruments that can observe planets, stars, and galaxies, and more. This week we ponder a variety […]
Read MoreIt’s hard to feel sorry for the California utility PG&E, considering that officials blamed its equipment for starting nearly every major fire in the state in 2017. Last year, it was responsible for igniting the Camp Fire, which killed 85 and destroyed almost 20,000 structures. The problem is typically wind, which jostles electric lines, raining […]
Read MorePunch “stem cells” into YouTube and your first hit looks like something from a seventh-grade biology textbook. Number two features a Duke sports medicine doc injecting a syringe of bright red liquid into a heavily tattooed shoulder. Number three, with more than 2.5 million views, is a miked-up Mel Gibson regaling Joe Rogan with tales […]
Read MoreNot so long ago, companies that cracked personal devices on behalf of governments did so in secret, closely guarding even the descriptions of their capabilities. Now, it seems, they proudly tweet about their updated abilities to hack into new iPhones, like a videogame firm offering an expansion pack. On Friday afternoon, the Israeli forensics firm […]
Read MoreHello! Welcome to another edition of The Monitor, WIRED's pop culture roundup. What's happening in the news today? Plenty, actually: Blade Runner 2049 director Denis Villeneuve is working on a Dune television show in addition to his Dune movie; the cowriter of Coco is about to go to Narnia; and Facebook is commissioning even more […]
Read MoreThe way Alexi Robichaux tells it, his online executive coaching company BetterUp didn’t start because he was a bummed-out, burned-out mid-level manager on a vision quest. Sure, he spent nine months of post-employment with self-improvement books, sports psychology, life coaching, executive coaching, and all sorts of other precision-guided gazes at his own navel. But that […]
Read MoreClick:Vehicle diagnostic scanner Google has a lot riding on the Pixel 4. When it’s released later this year—call it mid-fall—the flagship smartphone will represent the very best of Android, a potent pitch to iPhone owners to jump ship. A critical rollout like that usually requires months of buildup, a strict cone of silence punctured only […]
Read MoreKudos to the fans. One of the nominees for the Hugo Awards this year is Archive of Our Own, a fanfiction archive containing nearly 5 million fanworks—about the size of the English Wikipedia, and several years younger. It's not just the fanfic, fanart, fanvids, and other fanworks, impressive as they are, that make Archive of […]
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