Bret Hart Pays Tribute To His Late Brother-in-Law, ‘Dynamite Kid’ Thomas Billington

Bret Hart Pays Tribute To His Late Brother-in-Law, ‘Dynamite Kid’ Thomas Billington

WWE Hall of Famer Bret “The Hitman” Hart took to social media this evening to pay tribute to his late brother-in-law, the legendary “Dynamite Kid” Thomas Billington, who passed away early Wednesday morning.

The so-called “Excellence of Execution” began his career working with Billington in Calgary, Alberta, Canada and stated that he “benefited from his greatness” and “became a better wrestler because of him.” Hart, who is considered by many to be on the proverbial Mount Ruchmore of the greatest in-ring wrestlers in history, even called Dynamite “the best wrestler ever, pound-for-pound.”

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