Bodo Möller Chemie Group expands business activities in West Africa

Bodo Möller Chemie Group expands business activities in West Africa

The Bodo Möller Chemie Group is expanding on the African continent and has been supplying the West African market with its own warehouse in the Nigerian metropolitan area Lagos since last year.

From Lagos, the company intends to provide speciality chemicals such as adhesives, resins, additives and fillers from leading chemical manufacturers to large and small customers in the paints and varnishes, coatings, printing inks as well as plastics industry, metal pre-treatment and DIY sectors with its own reliable logistics. “Africa, especially with the countries of Nigeria, Cameroon, Senegal, Ivory Coast and Ghana, is a growth market with a steadily increasing demand for special solutions for chemical applications,” says Frank Haug, CEO of the Bodo Möller Chemie Group.

Growth market Africa

Nigeria, along with other West African countries, is considered an industrial growth zone, especially for the plastics industry, wall and facade paints, DIY, and many other sectors. However, long supply chains for imports from abroad can be problematic due to the lengthy customs and import procedures. For this reason, the Bodo Möller Chemie Group intends to take over the local warehousing of standard resins, additives and pigments for the paints and coatings industry, thus also helping the local industry to react more quickly to market requirements. “In Northwest Africa, the Group’s typical concept of a one-stop store with additional application expertise is very much appreciated,” describes Basem Siaj, Managing Director Middle East at Bodo Möller Chemie.