Wear-resistant Ceramic Lining Brick Construction For Glaze ball

Wear-resistant Ceramic Lining Brick Construction For Glaze ball

Wear-resistant Ceramic Lining Brick Construction For Glaze ball mill

Ball milling is also known as ball milling. A common device for grinding or grinding. The material is pulverized and mixed by the impact of the falling abrasive body (such as steel balls, goose hatching, etc.) and the grinding action of the abrasive body and the inner wall of the ball mill. When the ball mill rotates, due to the friction between the grinding body and the inner wall of the ball mill, the grinding body is brought up in the direction of rotation and then falls. This material is continuously crushed. So improving the abrasion resistance property of inner wall of ball mill by wear resistant ceramics is much important for miners.

Recently Chemshun Ceramics engineer team wear invited to help customer to design wear resistant ceramic brick linings for their glaze ball mill . according to this ball mill size and grinding environment and materials. Engineered customize and cut ceramic liner bricks, then went to install on site.

Chemshun Ceramics Company have much experience of analyzing and designing wear resistant ceramics for bulk material handling equipment , like chute , hopper, cyclone, ball mill etc. Welcome customer to inquiry .

Keyword: CNC machining

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